Lead Designer | UX | UI
Electric Scooters for everyone in Santiago! LiteRide is a work-in-progress project that offers to be another public transport option for citizens in Santiago. We are working with the government and a team of professional engineers in Santiago in order to create a new way public transport in the city. Santiago has a huge pollution problem, which is why in LiteRide we are developing a new experience of moving around the city in an special way: the electric scooter.
I have had the opportunity to do a small research for this project and began with an UX process including benchmarking and heuristic test of other apps in order to define a User Flow that would soon become Wireframes, Prototypes, Testings and a unique look & feel. Let‘s take a look!
- User Experience Design
- Mobile Apps
- Project Management
- Front End Design
What a problem! How do i solve this huge one?
OKAY! This step gives me an idea of a focus for this project. Still an hypothesis but let‘s continue with something more powerful.
Wow, this was a lot of iteration. Wireframing, prototyping, some of the previous steps I followed to test this hypothesis and we're done! Users will understand it a lot (Thank God!).
Awesome, one of my favorite processes as a User Interface Designer: the "Look & Feel". Its time to paint with trending artistic thoughts and more in order to make this product a valueable one. Approved! This time, I am in work-in-progress with the Mockups. I hope this product soon will see the light.